
Basic principles of gemstone jewelry design

The basic principles of gemstone jewelry design gemstone style jewelry design is not arbitrary, to follow certain jewelry design principles, especially precious gemstones, but also in strict accordance with the jewelry design principles for jewelry design. After thousands of years of practice and exploration, people have summed up a basic jewelry design principle: to maximize the value of gemstones. This principle applies to jewelry design for all gemstones


Shape beauty refers to the artistic beauty of the shape and production process of gemstones, which is the beauty created by people through pondering (except for the type). The external beauty of gemstones should be a high degree of harmony and unity between quality and shape beauty, which is reflected in jewelry design, which requires different shapes for gemstones of different natures, so as to maximize the external beauty of gemstones. Polishing process


Shape beauty refers to the artistic beauty of the shape and production process of gemstones, which is the beauty created by people through pondering (except for the type). The external beauty of gemstones should be a high degree of harmony and unity between quality and shape beauty, which is reflected in jewelry design, which requires different shapes for gemstones of different natures, so as to maximize the external beauty of gemstones. Polishing process


Aesthetics is not only a requirement of consumers, but in fact, it is also a requirement for the decorative function of jewelry. Jewelry must create a vivid, perfect, healthy and harmonious artistic image for the product under the conditions of functional and material technical conditions, beautify people's lives as much as possible, and cultivate people's healthy and noble aesthetic taste. Polishing process

Focus on quality jewelry, reflecting the quality of brand jewelry.


First of all, the design of the matching ring should be full of romance. I want every pair of matching rings to make people feel the intensity and beauty of love. Therefore, I choose elegant and distinctive elements in the design, such as hearts, roses, etc., to create a romantic atmosphere. At the same time, I will add some small and delicate details to the ring, such as diamonds, pearls, etc., to increase the magnificence and sophistication of the ring.

Delicate as water and glamorous, this jewellery bracelet is the best expression of your fashion glamour. Sparkling jewels to brighten up the day. Jewelry bracelets are the best embellishment of fashion and show your unique charm.


As one of the jewelry, the bracelet has a sense of fashion and a sense of aura. There are many kinds of bracelets, and different styles will also determine different combinations, so it is recommended to choose according to your personal taste and category.

A wide range of styles to choose from

What best reflects the value of a woman is not jewelry, but the light that jewelry makes a woman radiate

Future Trends
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